Ms 16m is going through...

Ms 16m is going through...

Ms 16m is going through a super happy phase right now. Here she is beaming with joy and giggling at having her bum changed. 😁 . Change time really is a thing I wouldn't take pleasure in if I were using disposables. I like to think my girls prefer them too. Little sis is currently loving dismantling any prepped nappies, and I know big sis' skin prefers them! . This nappy is Ava, Popper and Pocket by @littlelovebum with hemp/bamboo insert. One of my fave nappies. . . #realnappylife by Beth Farrow. I only stock nappies I know and love. Message me for advice any time. Link in bio. . . #makelaundrynotlandfill #makeclothmainstream #clothnappyfamilies #reusablenappies #clothnappy #clothnappyshop #realnappyshop #littlelovebum #popperandpocket
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